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Valentine’s Dad



When you’re the father of four princesses, Valentine’s Day can be quite intimidating. The girls are watching you. What will Daddy get for Mommy this year? Does he buy her the quality long-stemmed roses or the cheap bouquet from the grocery store? And does he remember the chocolate. Cuz Mommy loves her chocolate.

And did he do the same thing as last year? Or did he attempt to be a little original? Does he get her a teddy bear, or give her extra kisses that  morning? And does he pick out the perfect card? And write her a poem or pour out his heart with as many words can fit on the inside of the card? 

Truth be told, as much of a romantic as I am, Valentine’s Day is not the most important day in my year, and I hate that everything costs more the week leading up to the day: flowers, chocolates, and cards as well. But a day later and everything is 75% off? Hmmm. Does that mean somehow that timing is everything and the price tag on one’s love is slashed if you’re a day late? 

One thing, there are too many to list, but one thing I love about Hubs, is he is neither fazed by societal pressure nor does he believe that every kiss begins with “Kay!” But, he does love him some princesses and his love language, one of them, happens to be gifts. So about three years ago, a few weeks before V-day, he pulled me aside and told me, “From now on, Valentine’s Day is mine. I’m taking care of it. For all the girls in our house.” 


I didn’t know whether to jump for joy or freak out. Because I’m the saver, he’s the spender, and I’d be happy throwing together a quick teddy bear/chocolate heart combo for each of our four princesses and for years, they’ve been thrilled with their heart-shaped pancake breakfast and snuggly stuffed animal surprises. Not any more. 

I’m in charge of breakfast, but Hubs takes care of the gifts. Because he loves to spoil us. All five of us! 

A few years back, he bought each of us personalized Bulls’ T-shirts. And last year, he picked up jewelry from a pretty little store here in Locust Valley called Kimba, where the owner hand crafts every piece. He even took time to make sure he picked each of the girls’ their favorite colors. And purple for the wife, cuz he knows I love purple.


This year is no different. He’s got a plan and he’s hush-hush as usual. I love that he’s so into it, when it’s so easy to either forget, throw something together without a thought and just do it for show. What I love even more than the gifts, is how the girls are getting a picture of how a man should treat the love of his life. With care, cherishing her, and showering her with attention. I want the girls to want that. From the future men in their lives.

So Daddy Valentine will strike again this Thursday, and our house will be filled with pink and red and a few extra hugs and kisses. Best of all, Valentine’s Day is like icing in my life. I’m married to a man who’s sweet on me all year round, even when I have my sour moments. And that’s the best Valentine’s gift of all. 


Happy Valentine’s Week All! 

What is love, anyway? What’s love got to go, got to do with it? What is the best or worst message you’ve ever read on one of those nasty tasting valentine heart candies?? :)  

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